Flotation tailings storage facility
Żelazny Most
The “Żelazny Most” is the largest flotation tailings reservoir in Europe, belonging to KGHM Polska Miedź. It is located between Rudna, Polkowice and Lubin in the Legnica-Głogów Copper Belt. Recently renamed “Mine Tailings neutralization facility”.
unique technology

"6M-EX" TECHNOLOGY is a proprietary, unique in the world technology for concentration and extraction of metals from an ore and post-mining waste. It was developed due to long-term scientific and research work conducted by Geoexplorers International, Inc. in the USA. This multiphase technology using several innovative and unconventional solutions aims to prove the presence, amount, and value of precious metals, including platinum group metals (PGMs) in sedimentary rocks, especially in black shales in the western USA and mine tailings belonging to KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Since the beginning of the '90s, Dr. Jan Krasoń, with the permission of the management of KGHM, collected and brought to USA samples of ore and flotation tailings of KGHM. After many years of expensive metal concentration tests conducted in his own laboratories, he developed a breakthrough technology. It was used to carry out several hundred analyses of concentrated metals in ore samples taken from deposits in the western USA (Project I) and flotation tailings samples taken from current production and tailings storage facilities of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. (Project II).
The content of metals in the samples was confirmed by analyses performed by two renowned specialist laboratories: Aspex Corporation, Delmont, Pennsylvania, USA, and Eltron Research & Development, Inc., Boulder, Colorado, USA.
He also came up with an initiative to undertake the recovery of the remaining metals from postproduction waste based on his own results of expensive research, but encountered insurmountable „resistance from unspecified matter”. This refers to the sick arrangements prevailing in Lower Silesia at KGHM.
Prof. Stanisław Downorowicz, Farewell in the scientific and technical quarterly, Konsulting Polski No. 5/6 I/II quarter 2015
Time to wise up
Dr Jan Krasoń deplored the lack of a clear vision for KGHM’s growth, which since its inception has been transferring raw materials abroad in an unprocessed form - thus enriching economies other than Poland. He believed that it was time to "wise up" and create a modern processing/jewelry industry in Poland, in Lower Silesia. Moreover, by creating new jobs for thousands of people, it will improve the life of the local community and drastically increase revenues to the state budget and local structures.
Interpellation nr 5116 by congressman Kornel Morawiecki regarding supervisory intervention aimed at improving the situation in KGHM Polish Copper SA

In an open letter Ryszard Korol, Dr. Jan Krason's closest associate and friend, writes:
"Geoexplorers International, Inc. is an exploration, research and consulting company founded in 1974 by Dr. Jan Krason specializing in the discovery and recovery of precious metals from sedimentary rocks, particularly those found in black shale and flotation tailings. In black shale, precious metals are accumulated in the form of nanoparticles below the micron size, which are not recoverable with traditional technologies. The extraction of precious metals from shale rock is a worldwide challenge. We have the only innovative and effective technology, "6M-EX", for these metal nanoparticles' concentration and recovery.
Our two projects on these precious metal nanoparticles are:
- Project l - GEO-WUSA - precious metals in deposits in the western United States)
- Project ll - GEO-KGHM - precious metals in the tailings piles of KGHM (photos below).
We have recently renewed negotiations with KGHM, but it is going very hard because many experts have to admit that they made wrong decisions for many years concerning flotation tailings. KGHM is aware of this, but they are trying to downplay it. I have prepared many documents and letters for the Prime Minister and the President of KGHM concerning this issue. I'm currently waiting for an interview with the new vice-president of KGHM in charge of production. I want KGHM to invest in this new Polish entity, controlled by Geoexplorers (51%), responsible for implementing our "6M-EX" technology. Of course, the condition is that we get all the waste at our disposal for exclusive use. I believe this is an irresistible proposition.
Currently, the value of precious metals thrown into the “Żelazny most” (Iron bridge) flotation tailings reservoir exceeds several times the value of metals currently being mined (copper and silver) by KGHM. Of course, according to our preliminary calculations based on several hundred analyses.
We have years of costly research behind us. Many world experts are waiting for the right time to support us and criticize KGHM in the Polish press and abroad. However, the most significant ecological and environmental agencies are coming after KGHM because of the dangers posed by Europe's largest waste repository,“Żelazny most” (Iron bridge). Failure of this reservoir could be an environmental and economic disaster for Poland and Europe. We have evidence of this from the world of science.
Our patience is running out. The most serious right-wing media and a few politicians in Poland constantly persuade me to give interviews on the stupidity and wastefulness of the management board of KGHM. I am holding back for the time being, but if it continues this way, KGHM will force me to choose this path. I am perfectly aware that it is a very politicized company and that the "services" are behind it. Still, we need to exterminate stupidity regardless of who does it because we all pay for it in the end.
I will certainly not let this matter go.
Yours sincerely,
Ryszard A. Korol”
Project I - GEO-WUSA
Precious metals in the western USA
The biggest discovery of precious metals in USA.
Estimated project value ≈ hundreds of billions of USD.

Black shale USA

Micro metal beads x400

Mini metal beads mm
Project II - GEO-KGHM
Precious metals in the KGHM’s flotation tailings
It could be the most significant discovery in Poland.
Estimated project value ≈ hundreds of billions of USD.

KGHM flotation tailings

Micro metal beads x400

Mini metal beads mm
technology adapted to concentration and extraction of metals from ore and flotation tailings: all precious metals, including platinum group metals (PGM), rare earth metals (REE) and other non-ferrous metals, especially those occurring as nanoparticles rich in organic substances.
technology with an estimated total operating cost per ton of ore from deposits in the USA is approximately $120.00/t, while waste from stockpiles and KGHM's current production is approximately $90.00/t.
technology that is safe and harmless to the environment. It mainly uses secondary raw materials, whose by-products can be used in significant quantities for specific purposes, including: as a filler for bituminous masses in road construction, in the production of construction materials, mineral fertilizers for agriculture and mining. Waste that was previously useless and harmful to human health and the environment can become a valuable raw material while avoiding undesirable risks and environmental penalties.
technology makes it possible to recover all precious metals and all non-ferrous metals found in ore and flotation tailings. In addition to recovering precious metals, the technology enables the efficient recovery of other valuable metals, including copper, rhenium, rare earth elements (REE), etc.
technology allowing recovery of some precious metals - up to 95% of their content.
technology, which means it can be adapted to any sample size, from several grams to several tons of ore or post-mining waste.